The presence and departure of Quetzalcoatl by Diego Rivera from the presidential palace in Mexico City. Note that the object he carries as he flies away resembles a shepherd`s crook.
"The shell is black mother of pearl. It is also done in low relief. It is a twin rattlesnake gorget with the hand and eye motif. It is from a design found on a large stone disc at the Moundville site on the Black Warrior River in Alabama. All my designs are southeastern mound builder designs. This design is a "Classic" as Pre-Columbian Southeastern Native American designs go." - Artist`s replica.
This image was captured by an Italian tourist couple on June 24, 2012. The beam emanated from the top of El Castillo and reached skyward. There was a UFO photographed nearby.
This breastplate held the Urim and Thummim also called "Light and Perfections" - the seer stones. The gems of the breastplate are engraved with the names of the 12 Tribes of Israel.