Friday, December 7, 2012
Plates of Gold - Orphic Inscription
"Orphic inscription. Mystery religions, emerging in Greece after 500 BC, gave a hope of better afterlife. The instruction from this golden plate found in Thessaly describe the path to be followed in the underworld to ensure salvation. The standard formula: the dead soul is thirsty. It is guided to the proper spring. In front of Persephone the soul repeats the formula 'I am the pure one amongst the pure', to show that it has been initiated in the Orphic mysteries and has received the gift of immortality. It ends with the expression ‘like a kid I threw myself towards the milk'. IV BC. Getty Museum."
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Teotihuacan Masks
"Though its provenance is unknown, this mask has been identified as belonging to the Teotihuacan culture (100 BC-AD 400) and clearly shows Olmec influence. The eye holes here, however, were once filled in and it probably served as a funeral mask or a pectoral (note the hole for hanging) for a VIP of the ruling class."
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Dancing King of Dos Pilas in Color
The carved stela with overlaid drawing.
Dos Pilas is a late classic Mayan city located at the headwaters of the Usumacinta River in Guatemala on the border with Mexico.
It is upriver from the major city of Yaxchilan on this main highland waterway that runs into the Gulf of Mexico to the east. What we
know of Dos Pilas has been discovered in the ruin of its destruction. At the end, its last defense was a barrier constructed of the stone
blocks from its decorative roofcombs. The stela carving of the dancing king has obviously been broken and not by an earthquake given the
destruction of war all around it. It is apparent from the break that this monument was carved from a comparitively thin slab of rock. Much
gratitude is due the team of archaeologists who took the time to reassemble this unique carving.
The chieftans of the Maya participated in the ballgame that symbolized the co-existence of the Underworld and its dieties with the terrestrial plane.
They played the game for high stakes as did the participants in their book of creation "The Popul Vuh". The ballcourts were dug low to represent the
lower world. If the hosting team were victorious, the king would perform a victory dance much like the football players of today dance when they`ve
made a touchdown. The profile portrait of the dancing king of dos Pilas portrays just such an event.
The action on this stela has been captured by a talented an innovative artist. It stands in sharp contrast to the stiff poses and static archaic style of the
majority of other Mayan monuments even those other monuments of Dos Pilas itself. The motion in this piece indicates that it is from the late stage of
the civilization.
The headdress of the king is made of the feathers of the Harpy eagle with its distinctive large eyes, raised comb of feathers, and screaming eagle pose.
most Mayan royalty wore green quetzal plumes, but this ruler is adorned with the black and white striped wing feathers of the Harpy. The Aztecs painted the
Harpy as a black and white striped eagle in their codices
The Dancing King of Dos Pilas in color.
The king wears a headress made of the striped feathers of the Harpy eagle which
swoops down to capture monkeys right out of the trees of the towering jungle forest. On his chest, he wears a winged pectoral.
He has a necklace made of blue jade as well as a face carved of precious green jade below his chest pectoral. The colors
of green and yellow used here represent the corn god in whose honor many of the sacrifices were conducted. It is apparent
that this warrior king is a ballplayer from the fringed masked knee pad that he wears on his right knee. The ballplayers knelt
down on one knee in order to hit the large rubber ball with their hip to send it through a stone hoop set high on the ballcourt
wall. Unfortunately, the losers of the ballgame were dispatched to the Underworld as offerings to the gods of Xibalba. The
padded costumes of the warriors on the court were incredibly ornate and individualistic, there was no team uniform. They wore
full headresses adorned with gold, plumes, and gems as they portrayed the gods of the "Popul Vuh" their book of creation.
Judging from the profile of the king, he was from a different tribe than those depicted in the art of the other Mayan cities in the
Peten such as Palenque. The rulers of Palenque bound their heads and had long deformed skulls as well as pronounced Roman
noses. In the later stage of the civilization in this area, the Maya had merged with the tribal types from the Yucatan - the Toltec
Maya, and the inhabitants of the great city of Teotihuacan. Our dancing king`s profile more closely resembles that of the bearded Toltec race that had joined with the civilization of the Usumacinta River basin and highlands. These overgrown jungle cities lay buried and unknown until the 19th century when they were discovered by the workers of the rubber tree sap harvesting industry. Archaeologists found one of the tall carved monuments overturned and reburied upside-down, it had remained in that position undisturbed for hundreds of years. These cities were destroyed at the same time. Fortification walls had been erected between the hills to keep out the invaders, but they were overrun from the south. Perhaps the El Nino storms had devasted the war-like tribes in South America who then came north to invade Mesoamerica. The motion shown in the carving of the smashed and reconstructed stela of the dancing king of Dos Pilas shows that it was carved in the late phase of the city. Much is made of the Mayan prophecies concerning 2012 and the Apocalypse, but we can see from the destruction suffered by this artifact that the apocalypse hit the city of Dos Pilas centuries ago.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Japan - Underwater City
Underwater pyramids in Japan
"A structure thought to be the world's oldest building, nearly twice the age of the great pyramids of Egypt, has been discovered. The rectangular stone ziggurat under the sea off the coast of Japan could be the first evidence of a previously unknown Stone Age civilization, say archeologists.
The monument is 600ft wide and 90ft high and has been dated to at least 8000BC...."
Thursday, October 4, 2012
The Secret of King Tut
"King Tut DNA 99.6% Western European"
King Tut
"Recently-leaked DNA test results prove ancient Egyptian royal Pharaoh Tutankhamen, aka King Tut, is 99.6% Western European.
The results were mistakenly leaked in the American cable television show Royal Blood: King Tut Unwrapped. The tests were conducted to find out if a newly-discovered mummy was the boy king’s father.
The (former)Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, had previously stated that he would never reveal the DNA results of King Tut, whose racial make-up has been a source of dispute for many."
Blue Eyed King Tutankhamun
(Click to enlarge). Look closley, the eyes are made of blue lapis lazuli with black jet used for the pupils. This is usually covered in photos by taking the picture through an amber lense.
Akhenaten and his Queen Nefertiti and the son of Akhenaten, King Tutankhamun.
Pharoah Akhenaten.
Goddess from the tomb of Tutankhamun.
From the tomb of Ramose.
King Tut`s DNA
"DNA testing has shown that more than half of European men are related to King Tut, while less than 1% of MODERN Egyptians share genetics with the Pharaoh."
Akhenaten was the father of Tutankhaten - Tutankhamun. Was Akhenaten Pharoah Joseph, son of Jacob, father of the 12 Tribes of Israel?
Pharoah Joseph was the father of the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel (through his younger son Ephraim). The Lost 10 Tribes were the ancestors the Caucasian European tribes. This would explain the connection between King Tutankhamun and the Europeans.
Sunken City Discovered Near Cuba
Pyramids Found in 2001 of the Coast of Cuba - about a Mile Underwater
Pyramids under the waters near Cuba were discovered by two scientists Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki. They found the ruins of ancient buildings about a mile below t
he sea
Paulina found elsewhere in Cuba ancient descriptions and symbols that were identical to those on the waterfront structures below.
the two scientists used submarines to locate and explore these pyramid structures
They found a written language engraved on the stones.
The U.S. government discovered the site during the Cuban missile crisis in the sixties, Nuclear submarines cruising in the Gulf (in deep sea) met pyramid structures. They immediately took control in order so that it would not come into Soviet hands. Or so the story goes ...
A whistleblower from the army, that used to serve in Montego Bay told they are still working on the site and recovering objects and instruments
This area in Cuba has not been above water for at least 10,000 years ...
Underwater City Off of Cuba Part 1 (The Discovery)
About seven years ago the news went around the world and all over the net. National Geographic published an article on their web site and had plans to cover the whole story and follow up with more investigations. In 2005 they walked out of the deal. Some say it had to do with Cuba/USA relationship and other believe it goes "DEEPER" than that. Paulina says she needs $2,000,000.00 to go back and drill through the pyramids and see what is inside. She wants to recover artifacts. She has now moved over to other projects near Mexico because she needs to make a living.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Ancient Goldwork
Feline in gold - Costa Rica.
Ancient Columbians were famous for their gold work - gold pendant - Columbia.
Friday, September 21, 2012
"Hawk Feathers"
A painting by Howard Terpning.
"Hawk Feathers is not this Northern Plains Indian’s name, but rather, the adornment he wears in his hair. The hunting ability of the hawk was highly respected and its feathers were considered good medicine. Nearly every North American tribe used hawk feathers as a badge of honor and they were worn a good part of the time. This tribal member is also shown wearing his buffalo robe. Unlike Europeans, the plains people fashioned their robes with the fur on the inside and the smooth side of the hide facing out."
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Plates of Gold
"Emma Smith was never given permission by God to let her see them. Later in her life Emma recounted that, “They lay in a box under our bed for months but I never felt at liberty to look at them.” She said they were sometimes on a table in her living room, “wrapped in a small linen table cloth, which I had given him to fold them in. I once felt of the plates, as they thus lay on the table, tracing their outline and shape. They seem to be pliable like thick paper, and would rustle with metallic sound when the edges were moved by the thumb, as one does sometimes thumb the edge of a book.” Emma also mentioned that she lifted and moved the plates as she dusted around them but never looked at them.” (Pg. 25 in Mormon Enigma) Emma claimed that she never had any desire to see them but in D&C 25:4 the Lord tells her "Murmur not because of the things which thou hast not seen, for they are withheld from thee and from the world, which is wisdom in me in a time to come." So obviously Emma did struggle somewhat with not being able to see or understand everything her husband did."
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
The Salinas Family Aztec Dancers
Gerardo Salinas, student of Florencio Yezcas.
Luis Salinas, older brother of Gerardo Salinas.
Juan Salinas and his niece Rebecca 2012.
Israel Salinas with his cousin Rebecca 2012.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Blackhawk - War Chief of the Sac and Fox Tribe
"Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak, Black Sparrow Hawk, or Black Hawk (1767-1838), of the Sac and Fox was a member of the Thunder Clan, the same clan as Jim Thorpe. Thorpe grew up hearing stories of his famous clan ancestor, who was not only an important chief but renowned as a great athlete. The most famous of all Sac and Fox leaders, Black Hawk led a tragic and unsuccessful attempt to reclaim his people's traditional lands in 1832, in what became known as the Black Hawk War. His own account, Life of Black Hawk, which outlined his people's grievances, was dictated to an interpreter. Published in 1834, it became a best seller."
Monday, July 16, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
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